====== System translation ====== Náboj system uses [[https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/|gettext]] for translating the system. This includes all non-content parts of the public website: registration, lists, archive, automatic emails and more. You will receive a ''.po'' file for your translation. This is a special type of file, which you probably cannot open in a common editor. For editing the translation files, we recommend using [[https://poedit.net|Poedit Translation Editor]]. It is a great free program for translating ''.po'' files. ===== Obtaining the translation file ===== You can always download the current translation files from [[https://github.com/naboj-org/bullet/tree/master/bullet/locale|here]]. You want to download the ''django.po'' file from your language folder. If your language does not have its own folder yet, contact us, and we will create an empty file for you. ===== Navigating the Poedit's UI ===== {{ :naboj-bullet:django.po_naboj_bullet_-_poedit_002.png?direct&400|}} The Poedit application is pretty simple to use. The interface is split into multiple sections: - The list of texts that can be translated. - The original (English) version of the text. - //(optional)// Notes for translators that contain useful context. - The translated version of the text, which you can change. Poedit will also automatically warn you if the translated text seems to have inconsistency with the original (missing dot, placeholders...) You can perform this check using Translation → Validate Translations in the top menu. ===== Translating text with HTML ===== Some texts do contain HTML tags. An HTML tag is a piece of code that looks something like this: ''something''. The important thing for you is, that unless stated otherwise, you translate **only** the inner part of the tag (''something'' in this instance). ===== Translating placeholders ===== A placeholder is a piece of text that will get replaced by some dynamic data. In our translation files, you will see them in the format of ''%(name)s''. **Do not** translate them, but you can move them around to place them at the right point in a sentence. ===== Translating plurals ===== Plurals are translated in the same way normal strings are, but there will be multiple translations for every plural "group". For example, the Slovak language has three groups "One", "2, 3, 4" and "0, 5, 6..." available in Poedit. You need to translate them all.